The LGBT communities all over the world are celebrating because the US Supreme Court decided to legalize same sex marriage in all 50 States of America.
Here in
the Philippines, the LGBT are very happy for what happened in the US. They
believed that it may open the perception of the Filipino people. We knew that
the Philippines is denominated by the Catholic Church which is opposing the
same sex marriage since the beginning.
the week, the support for LGBT rights is pouring. The Facebook management
created an app, so the users can show their support for same sex marriage in
America. The profile pics of many FB users have been filter by the color of
rainbow with a hashtag ‘lovewin’. Aside from social media, some of the LGBT
members organized a Gay March. Then,the Metropolitan Church conducted a ritual
of same-sex marriage in Quezon City.
LGBT insisted that they are just asking for equality and they are not consider
this as a privilege as what other people thinks. For them, they have the right
to choose their partner and be married with that person. They want their union
to be protected by law. They don’t care about the teaching of a sect or religion.
Some of them believed that God doesn’t know how to discriminate people whatever
is their sexual orientation.
In the
other side, the anti-gay marriage excerpted some bible verses to prove that gay
marriage is not written in the Holy Scripture. That kind of ritual is just
invented by the LGBT communities. God created man and woman only, not what we
called third sex. God also destroyed Sodom and Gomora because of his wrath
towards homosexuality.
Catholic Bishop Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has declared their
standing about gay marriage. They firmly believed that marriage is a sacred; it
is only restricted between man and woman. This is also what written in our
Family Code. But they promised that they will conduct a study about the
decision of the Supreme Court. But they never say that they will support the
proposal of the LGBT to legalize same sex marriage here in the Philippines.