Change of season, returning from vacation and hard work are just a few items that feeds your stress. If you feel unable to make decisions simple, not easy to remember what you are told, you are less creative and always worried, irritable, having unexpected changes in behavior, you do not trust yourself, you do not make time for fun and family, having problem with indigestion and allergies, gain weight or lose weight; suddenly you are definitely extremely stressed.
Here are some "tricks" that are extremely useful to help you out:

- Learn to dispense your time
More often we waste time with strenuous activities which is unimportant. Create lists of what's the hardest and most urgent tasks and try to fix it in the morning. The remaining issues can wait!
- Adopt healthy lifestyles
I know it is hard to give up the fast food and walk through the park daily, but we have to do it. Find the best and healthiest recipes that will remove unhealthy fats and sugar from your diet. You can take vitamins and do 20 minutes of exercise in the morning. Not so hard as it sounds!
- Know your limits
Most times we want to be liked and appreciated at work, so we are taking too many tasks. Do not overload yourself! You can say "no" without upsetting anyone, as long as you do your job with passion and dedication.
- Jump to the "source" stress
Try to meditate and find out what gives you the current status. If you find which activity can make you stressed, it will be easier to control your activities in life.
- Bypass conflict situations
Even if someone annoys you or you feel entitled to take action, try to understand and treat problems with maturity and calmness. Count up to 100 before you yell at someone or send an e-mail accuser. Help!
- Accept that some things or situations can not be change
If you focus all your energy to change someone's opinion or to solve a problem that surpasses you, you will not be stressed and more.
- Relax
Take time for yourself, even if it means a short session of shopping in lunch break or have a dinner in town or cook for your boyfriend. Take a long bath, use delicate fragrance products and indulge yourself!
- Meet with friends at least once a week
They are the ones who can "cure" stress, as long as you do not talk about work and problems. Try to simply feel good in their company!
- Be optimistic
This is the key to a healthy life without stress. Ask what colleagues and friends about the problems that you have, think positive, or if the situation is worse, go to a specialist.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco
A coffee in the morning, one at work and one in the afternoon, accompanied evident at least 10 cigarettes, then dinner a few glasses of alcohol ... The body does not withstand such stimuli and stress becomes overwhelming, plus you have the chance to develop depression that's harder to treat.
In conclusion; optimism, a healthy diet, daily exercise and activity that's more enjoyable will help you get rid of stress!
Here are some "tricks" that are extremely useful to help you out:

- Learn to dispense your time
More often we waste time with strenuous activities which is unimportant. Create lists of what's the hardest and most urgent tasks and try to fix it in the morning. The remaining issues can wait!
- Adopt healthy lifestyles
I know it is hard to give up the fast food and walk through the park daily, but we have to do it. Find the best and healthiest recipes that will remove unhealthy fats and sugar from your diet. You can take vitamins and do 20 minutes of exercise in the morning. Not so hard as it sounds!
- Know your limits
Most times we want to be liked and appreciated at work, so we are taking too many tasks. Do not overload yourself! You can say "no" without upsetting anyone, as long as you do your job with passion and dedication.
- Jump to the "source" stress
Try to meditate and find out what gives you the current status. If you find which activity can make you stressed, it will be easier to control your activities in life.
- Bypass conflict situations
Even if someone annoys you or you feel entitled to take action, try to understand and treat problems with maturity and calmness. Count up to 100 before you yell at someone or send an e-mail accuser. Help!
- Accept that some things or situations can not be change
If you focus all your energy to change someone's opinion or to solve a problem that surpasses you, you will not be stressed and more.
- Relax
Take time for yourself, even if it means a short session of shopping in lunch break or have a dinner in town or cook for your boyfriend. Take a long bath, use delicate fragrance products and indulge yourself!
- Meet with friends at least once a week
They are the ones who can "cure" stress, as long as you do not talk about work and problems. Try to simply feel good in their company!
- Be optimistic
This is the key to a healthy life without stress. Ask what colleagues and friends about the problems that you have, think positive, or if the situation is worse, go to a specialist.
- Avoid alcohol and tobacco
A coffee in the morning, one at work and one in the afternoon, accompanied evident at least 10 cigarettes, then dinner a few glasses of alcohol ... The body does not withstand such stimuli and stress becomes overwhelming, plus you have the chance to develop depression that's harder to treat.
In conclusion; optimism, a healthy diet, daily exercise and activity that's more enjoyable will help you get rid of stress!