If there are many people who admired the royal wedding of Dingdong Dantes and Marian Riivera; some netizen has been criticized them due to their extravagant wedding. Others said that it is not appropriate to conduct a wedding such as their wedding because they are many people are starving right now.
critics also bashed the couple because they believed that their wedding was
overexposed by media. They are not also happy when the road near to the wedding
venue had been closed. They even notice their giant cake which they believed as
a part of their sponsorship. They accused the couple for soliciting huge amount
of money from their sponsors. Aside from that, they also bashed Pres. Benigno
Aquino III who was also present in that wedding.
course, the fans of DongYan defended their idols. They said that who are these
critics to thrown violent reactions to their idol? Even non-fans of DongYan
became irratated to the bashers because they don’t have a right to question if
the wedding of Dindong and Marian became extravagant. In the first place, that
is not their money. They could react if they are politicians and then they will
conduct such wedding like this. They believed that it was only natural if there
wedding has been overexposed by media because they are very popular
personalities. Don’t blame them; maybe the bashers would blame the media
entities which covered them. They also said that there was nothing wrong if
Pres. Aquino was present in the wedding. As a president, he has also a day-off.
truth is, Dingdong just wanted to give the best to Marian that’s why he
expended a lot of money for this wedding. This was his gift for her wife. In
terms of sponsorship, the couple didn’t solicited money for their wedding. The
cake was just a wedding gift of Goldilucks for them because Dingdong is one
their promoter. They suggested critics to shut up their mouth if they don’t
have good words to say.