Blogging is dead. This was the statement of Hawie Severino when he was talking in iBlog 10 held on April 5, 2014 at Malcolm Theater, UP College of Law in Diliman, Quezon City. He was already stopped previous ago from blogging. He believed that bloggers already reached the peak of its popularity or glorious days. But through the advent of social media, especially Facebook blogging was already fading. Because through that site you can also post your writings and you can share also your thoughts and emotions. Well, that is his personal opinion as a former blogger. But the good thing about him, he is still writing in other forms of outlet. And he will still be my idol as a broadcast journalist.
Contrary to the other speaker of iBlog 10, Janet Toral said that blogging is not dead. It is only innovating or evolving. The event itself was an evidence that blogging is still alive and kicking. As a matter of fact, blogging opened many opportunities for some bloggers. Janet predicted that in the future, many people will build their own blog to express their ideas. That’s really cool; the many the merrier. I believed in her when she said that don’t treat other bloggers as a competitor, but treat them as a friend.
Remembered that in the first years of blogging it became an online diary. Not like now, blog is already associated with the business. Advertisers looking for bloggers who can promote their products. It means that bloggers are becoming influential nowadays, but Hawie did not consider this aspect. As what I observed, many bloggers nowadays are very serious with their craft. Blogging for them is not just a hobby or passion; but they also consider this as their second career. While there are people became a full-time and professional blogger who earns a good amount of money like Azrael Colladilla, Fritz Villanueva, etc. Not only Filipinos but also other nationalities like Indians. Many of them are number one in Google search engine if you will search about topics in blogging. Now do you believe that blogging is dead?